Our work at Momentum is inspired by the reality that, despite growing demand for a technologically-trained workforce and increasing popularity of tech majors and careers, women and people of color remain marginalized in tech fields, with many equity gaps actually becoming larger with time.
Momentum aims to accelerate equity in computing and technology through the generation of new knowledge about what works (and what does not) in diversifying the tech workforce, with a special focus on educational pathways.
Simply put, it is critical to achieve greater Momentum.
CIC 1st Follow-up Survey was sent April 27!
Momentum is excited to announce the successful distribution of the first Follow-up survey for the CIC longitudinal research project. This survey is designed to track the progress of computing students toward their degrees, their interactions with faculty and peers, and their professional career aspirations. We look forward to gathering valuable insights from the survey data to accelerate equity in computing and technology.
To learn more about the CIC project, click the button below.

Undergraduate BPC Literature Database Launch
November 21, 2022
"The Momentum team at UCLA and Computing Research Association (CRA) are excited to announce the launch of the Undergraduate BPC Literature Database that compiles scholarship on broadening participation in undergraduate computing. As a research tool, this database was created by Momentum for use by the broader BPC community to support efforts to address equity gaps within computing, especially for women and students from minoritized groups. To assist in these goals, the database compiles relevant peer-reviewed literature from the past 17 years that spans a variety of epistemological and methodological orientations with diverse sets of objectives. The focus of the included papers ranges from the implementation and evaluation of BPC interventions to theoretical pieces around broader social forces that cause longstanding inequalities in computing."
New NSF Funding to Support Institutional Data Program
The National Science Foundation has awarded Momentum funding to pilot an expansion of the current enrollment and degree attainment (EDA) data program. With this new funding we will build from our experiences working with BRAID schools to recruit up to 5 institutions that may be newer to BPC work. Click the button below to learn more!