The gender gap in STEM: The unique case of computer science. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presentation at UCLA CS 201 Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. July 1, 2020 Love0
Year 1 “First Look” research findings. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presented at the 2016 annual BRAID Summit, Snowbird, UT. July 1, 2020 Love0
BRAID research design. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presented at the 2016 annual BRAID Summit, Snowbird, UT. July 1, 2020 Love0
Who’s filling up those seats in computing classes? New insights on undergraduates in computing. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presentation at the workshop on the Growth of Computer Science Undergraduate Enrollments, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, D.C. July 1, 2020 Love0
The intersection of media, tech, and academia. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Panel presentation at the UCLA Women in Technology 2016 Conference, Los Angeles, CA. July 1, 2020 Love0
Diversity in computer science: Nationwide trends and the BRAID Initiative. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Distinguished Lecture, Program in Higher Education Leadership, University of Texas Austin, Austin, TX. July 1, 2020 Love0
BRAID research: Preliminary findings to inform change efforts. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presented at the 2016 University of Maryland Diversity in Computing Summit, Hyattsville, MD. July 1, 2020 Love0
Together we can do hard things: Leveraging research to change the story of women in computing. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presented at the 2017 University of Oregon TechTogether Conference, Eugene, OR. July 1, 2020 Love0
Diversity in computer science: Nationwide trends and the BRAID Initiative. In Using Data and Analytics to Accelerate the Progress of Women in the CS Workplace. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Panel conducted at the AAUW & Dell Summit on Gender Equity and Technology, Washington, D.C. July 1, 2020 Love0
The gender gap in computer science: Perspectives and research from the United States. By CraigEBRAID Findings: Conference Presentations, Invited Talks, PresentationsNo Comments Presented at Bridging the Gender Gap in IT–Challenges and Solutions. Conference conducted at the IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. July 1, 2020 Love0